Individual Education Plans 

Education Queensland has developed a process to support students with disabilities through their learning. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) allow parents/carers, teachers, learning support staff and the student to work as a team to progress the student through their learning journey. (Education Queensland, 2006) The team will identify the student’s current achievements and performance in the classroom and determine the student’s needs and learning priorities over a 6 month period. At the end of this period the outcomes will be reviewed and further plans established. This process is vital for parents and teachers to achieve a positive learning outcome for the student with Aspergers.


Teachers and learning support staff can gain a lot of information from parents and the student during IEP meetings. Parents will be enthusiastic to contribute their knowledge and experiences with the student at home which will give an insight into what learning experiences will be successful for the student in the classroom. At these meetings behavioural management strategies are agreed upon and can be replicated then in the home. This provides the student with consistency and a structure they can become familiar and comfortable with. The best learning outcomes will be achieved by providing Aspergers students with a comfortable and safe environment to learn. There is no cure or specific treatment for children with Aspergers Syndrome, but individually tailored education plans can be useful in progressing students on their learning journey.

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